Los cuentos infantiles y su influencia en el fortalecimiento de la identidad cultural en los niños y niñas de 4 años de la I.E.I. N° 38266 "Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes", Huanta 2022
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Escuela de Educación "José Salvador Cavero Ovalle"
El presente trabajo de investigación aborda sobre los cuentos infantiles y su influencia en el fortalecimiento de la identidad cultural en los niños y niñas de 4 años de la Institución educativa inicial N°38266 “Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes”, Huanta 2022. Debido a que en las practicas pre profesionales se identificó una débil identidad cultural en los niños de dicha institución educativa. Para realizar este trabajo se priorizó los cuentos infantiles como estrategia metodológica, para la asimilación, revaloración y construcción de la identidad cultural, asimismo para la realización de este trabajo se considera también la cosmovisión andina, saberes, costumbres. El enunciado del problema general es: ¿De qué manera influyen los cuentos infantiles en el fortalecimiento de la identidad cultural en los niños y niñas de 4 años de la I.E.I. N° 38266 "Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes" Huanta, 2022?, el objetivo general: Determinar la influencia de los cuentos infantiles en el fortalecimiento de la identidad cultural en los niños y niñas de 4 años de la I.E.I. N° 38266 "Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes" Huanta, 2022. Asimismo, se planteó la hipótesis: Los cuentos infantiles influyen de manera significativa en el fortalecimiento de la identidad cultural en los niños y niñas de 4 años de la I.E.I. N° 38266 "Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes" Huanta, 2022. El diseño metodológico tiene un enfoque cuantitativo, el cual responde a un trabajo de investigación de nivel explicativo, según su finalidad corresponde a la aplicada y según su carácter a la investigación experimental y diseño pre experimental. La muestra estuvo conformada por 28 niños y niñas. La técnica utilizada fue la observación y el instrumento utilizado fue la guía de observación validado y confiable. El estadígrafo que se utilizó para obtener el resultado a la hipótesis general fue Wilcoxon. La investigación concluye de la siguiente manera: 1: Se determinó la efectividad de los cuentos infantiles en el fortalecimiento de la identidad cultural en los niños y niñas de 4 años. Esto se sustenta porque se obtuvo un p valor (nivel de significancia
xiii = 0.00002) < 0,05; por lo tanto, se rechaza la hipótesis nula y se acepta la hipótesis alterna, este resultado permite determinar que los cuentos infantiles tienen efectos significativos en el fortalecimiento de la identidad cultural. 2: Los cuentos infantiles contribuyeron de manera positiva y significativa en el análisis del fortalecimiento de la identidad personal de los niños y niñas de 4 años, en ese sentido se sustenta de la siguiente manera, se obtuvo un p valor (0.000001) < 0,05; por lo tanto, se rechaza la hipótesis nula y se acepta la hipótesis alterna, este resultado permite comprobar que los cuentos infantiles tienen efectos significativos en el desarrollo de la identidad personal. 3: Se logró establecer que los cuentos infantiles influyen de manera positiva y significativa en el fortalecimiento de los valores culturales en los niños y niñas de 4 años. Esto se sustenta porque se obtuvo un p valor (0.0000) < 0,05; por lo tanto, se rechaza la hipótesis nula y se acepta la hipótesis alterna, este resultado permite comprobar que los cuentos infantiles tienen efectos significativos en el desarrollo de los valores culturales. 4: Los cuentos infantiles contribuyeron de manera positiva y significativa en identificar el fortalecimiento de la interrelación social en los niños y niñas de 4 años. Esto se sustenta porque se obtuvo un p valor (0.000001) < 0,05; por lo tanto, se rechaza la hipótesis nula y se acepta la hipótesis alterna, este resultado permite demostrar que los cuentos infantiles tienen efectos significativos en el desarrollo de la interrelación social.
This research work addresses everything in terms of children's stories and their influence on the strengthening of cultural identity in 4-year-old boys and girls of the IEI. N°38266 “Our Lady of Mercy”, Huanta. In the pre-professional practices carried out, a weak cultural identity was identified in the children of said educational institution, to carry out this work, children's stories are prioritized as a methodological strategy, for the assimilation, revaluation and construction of cultural identity, also for the realization of This work is also considered the Andean worldview, knowledge, customs. Whose statement of the general problem is: How do children's stories influence the strengthening of cultural identity in 4-year-old boys and girls of the I.E.I. N° 38266 "Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes" Huanta, 2022? had as general objective: To determine the influence of children's stories in strengthening cultural identity in 4-year-old boys and girls of the I.E.I. N° 38266 "Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes" Huanta, 2022. Likewise, the hypothesis was raised: Children's stories significantly influence the strengthening of cultural identity in 4-year-old boys and girls of the I.E.I. N° 38266 "Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes" Huanta, 2022. The methodological design has a quantitative approach, which responds to an explanatory level research work, according to its purpose it corresponds to the applied one and according to its nature to experimental and pre-experimental design. The sample consisted of 28 boys and girls. The technique used was observation and the instrument used was the valid and reliable observation guide. The statistician that was used to obtain the result to the general hypothesis was Wilcoxon, the investigation concludes as follows. First: The effectiveness of children's stories in strengthening cultural identity in 4-year-old boys and girls was determined. This is supported by the fact that a p value (significance level = 0.00002) < 0.05 was obtained. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted. This result allows us to determine that children's stories have significant effects in strengthening cultural identity. Second: children's stories contributed positively and significantly in the analysis of the strengthening of the personal identity of 4-year-old boys and girls, in this sense it is supported as follows, a p value (0.000001) < 0 was obtained, 05; therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternate hypothesis is accepted. This result allows us to verify that children's stories have significant effects on the development of personal identity. Third: It was possible to establish that children's stories have a positive and significant influence on the strengthening of cultural values in 4-year-old boys and girls. This is supported by the fact that a p value (0.0000) < 0.05 was obtained; Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternate hypothesis is accepted. This result allows us to verify that children's stories have significant effects on the development of cultural values. Fourth: children's stories contributed positively and significantly to identify the strengthening of social interrelation in 4-year-old boys and girls. This is supported by the fact that a p value (0.000001) < 0.05 was obtained; therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted, this result allows us to demonstrate that children's stories have significant effects on the development of social interrelation
Kay llamkayniypi riksichimusaq, “tawa wata warmakunapaq willakuy kay identidad cultural kallpanchanapaq, kay yachay wasi uchuy warmakunapaq, yupa 38266 Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes Huanta llaqtapi”. Kay amawta hina yachaypakuyniypi hawariykurani uchuy warmachakunata mana allin identidad cultural nisqa kasqankuta kay yachay wasipi, chaymi kay llamkayta qallariykunaypaq qapipakuykurqani kay uchuy warmachakunapaq willakuypi chaywan llamkaspa kallpanchanaypaq chay identidad cultural nisqata, chaynallataqmi kay llamkay hispinanpaq munaychaykurani ñawpaq yachaykunata, chaymi qillqaykurani problema general nisqata riksichimuni: imaynatas chay uchuy warmachakunapaq willakuy kallpanchanqa chay identidad cultural nisqata tawa watayuq warmakunata yachay wasi uchuy warmakunapaq, yupa 38266 Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes Huanta llaqtapi?, chaynallataq riksichimuni objetivo general. Anchayupaq uchuy warmachakunapaq willakuykuna kay identidad cultural nisqata imaynatam tawa watayuq warmachakunata riqsichinqa pim kasqantakuta kay uchuy yachay wasipi yupa 38266 Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes Huanta llaqtapi. Chaynallataqmi tantiyaykurani hipotesis general nisqata: uchuy warmachakunapa willakuymi alli allin puni identidad cultural nisqata kallpanchanapaq kay tawa watayuq warmakunata yachay wasi uchuy warmakunapaq, yupa 38266 Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes Huanta llaqtapi, hinallataqmi kay ñanninta llamkarani metodologia con un enfoque cuantitativo nisqawan, chaymantapas llamkarani nivel explicativo nisqawan, hinallataq investigacion experimental chaynallataq diseño pre experimental nisqapi rurasqa, kay llamkayta rurarani muestra nisqa iskay chunka pusaqniyuq tawa wata warmachakunawan, chaynallataqmi yuyayniy qatipanaypaq observacion nisqata qatiparani ,instrumento nisqañataqmi guia de observacion nisqata hapiykurani kay llamkay ruraykunaypaq, kay llamkay hispinanpaqñataqmi qapipakuykurqani Wilcoxon nisqa chay resultado nisqapaq, chaymi kay llamkay tukuykun kaynapi. Kay llamkaypin uchuy warmachakunapaq Willakuy allin puni identidad cultural kallpanchanapaq chaymi aswanqa manaraq kay willakuykunawan llamkachkaspa mana allin identidad cultural nisqayuq karqaku uchuy warmakuna chaymantañataqmi llamkay tukuypi allin kusa hawakurqa chay identidad cultural nisqa kallpanchakura uchuy warmachakunapi, chaymi amawta masiykuna hapipakunanku kay willakuykunapi allin warmakuna hispinankupaq.
This research work addresses everything in terms of children's stories and their influence on the strengthening of cultural identity in 4-year-old boys and girls of the IEI. N°38266 “Our Lady of Mercy”, Huanta. In the pre-professional practices carried out, a weak cultural identity was identified in the children of said educational institution, to carry out this work, children's stories are prioritized as a methodological strategy, for the assimilation, revaluation and construction of cultural identity, also for the realization of This work is also considered the Andean worldview, knowledge, customs. Whose statement of the general problem is: How do children's stories influence the strengthening of cultural identity in 4-year-old boys and girls of the I.E.I. N° 38266 "Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes" Huanta, 2022? had as general objective: To determine the influence of children's stories in strengthening cultural identity in 4-year-old boys and girls of the I.E.I. N° 38266 "Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes" Huanta, 2022. Likewise, the hypothesis was raised: Children's stories significantly influence the strengthening of cultural identity in 4-year-old boys and girls of the I.E.I. N° 38266 "Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes" Huanta, 2022. The methodological design has a quantitative approach, which responds to an explanatory level research work, according to its purpose it corresponds to the applied one and according to its nature to experimental and pre-experimental design. The sample consisted of 28 boys and girls. The technique used was observation and the instrument used was the valid and reliable observation guide. The statistician that was used to obtain the result to the general hypothesis was Wilcoxon, the investigation concludes as follows. First: The effectiveness of children's stories in strengthening cultural identity in 4-year-old boys and girls was determined. This is supported by the fact that a p value (significance level = 0.00002) < 0.05 was obtained. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted. This result allows us to determine that children's stories have significant effects in strengthening cultural identity. Second: children's stories contributed positively and significantly in the analysis of the strengthening of the personal identity of 4-year-old boys and girls, in this sense it is supported as follows, a p value (0.000001) < 0 was obtained, 05; therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternate hypothesis is accepted. This result allows us to verify that children's stories have significant effects on the development of personal identity. Third: It was possible to establish that children's stories have a positive and significant influence on the strengthening of cultural values in 4-year-old boys and girls. This is supported by the fact that a p value (0.0000) < 0.05 was obtained; Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternate hypothesis is accepted. This result allows us to verify that children's stories have significant effects on the development of cultural values. Fourth: children's stories contributed positively and significantly to identify the strengthening of social interrelation in 4-year-old boys and girls. This is supported by the fact that a p value (0.000001) < 0.05 was obtained; therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted, this result allows us to demonstrate that children's stories have significant effects on the development of social interrelation
Kay llamkayniypi riksichimusaq, “tawa wata warmakunapaq willakuy kay identidad cultural kallpanchanapaq, kay yachay wasi uchuy warmakunapaq, yupa 38266 Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes Huanta llaqtapi”. Kay amawta hina yachaypakuyniypi hawariykurani uchuy warmachakunata mana allin identidad cultural nisqa kasqankuta kay yachay wasipi, chaymi kay llamkayta qallariykunaypaq qapipakuykurqani kay uchuy warmachakunapaq willakuypi chaywan llamkaspa kallpanchanaypaq chay identidad cultural nisqata, chaynallataqmi kay llamkay hispinanpaq munaychaykurani ñawpaq yachaykunata, chaymi qillqaykurani problema general nisqata riksichimuni: imaynatas chay uchuy warmachakunapaq willakuy kallpanchanqa chay identidad cultural nisqata tawa watayuq warmakunata yachay wasi uchuy warmakunapaq, yupa 38266 Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes Huanta llaqtapi?, chaynallataq riksichimuni objetivo general. Anchayupaq uchuy warmachakunapaq willakuykuna kay identidad cultural nisqata imaynatam tawa watayuq warmachakunata riqsichinqa pim kasqantakuta kay uchuy yachay wasipi yupa 38266 Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes Huanta llaqtapi. Chaynallataqmi tantiyaykurani hipotesis general nisqata: uchuy warmachakunapa willakuymi alli allin puni identidad cultural nisqata kallpanchanapaq kay tawa watayuq warmakunata yachay wasi uchuy warmakunapaq, yupa 38266 Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes Huanta llaqtapi, hinallataqmi kay ñanninta llamkarani metodologia con un enfoque cuantitativo nisqawan, chaymantapas llamkarani nivel explicativo nisqawan, hinallataq investigacion experimental chaynallataq diseño pre experimental nisqapi rurasqa, kay llamkayta rurarani muestra nisqa iskay chunka pusaqniyuq tawa wata warmachakunawan, chaynallataqmi yuyayniy qatipanaypaq observacion nisqata qatiparani ,instrumento nisqañataqmi guia de observacion nisqata hapiykurani kay llamkay ruraykunaypaq, kay llamkay hispinanpaqñataqmi qapipakuykurqani Wilcoxon nisqa chay resultado nisqapaq, chaymi kay llamkay tukuykun kaynapi. Kay llamkaypin uchuy warmachakunapaq Willakuy allin puni identidad cultural kallpanchanapaq chaymi aswanqa manaraq kay willakuykunawan llamkachkaspa mana allin identidad cultural nisqayuq karqaku uchuy warmakuna chaymantañataqmi llamkay tukuypi allin kusa hawakurqa chay identidad cultural nisqa kallpanchakura uchuy warmachakunapi, chaymi amawta masiykuna hapipakunanku kay willakuykunapi allin warmakuna hispinankupaq.
Palabras clave
Método, Cuentos infantiles, Identidad Cultural, Fortalecimiento de la identidad, Stories, Identity, Strengthening of identity, Uchuy ramakunapaq willakuy, Willakuy