La reciprocidad andina como estrategia en la convivencia intercultural de los niños y niñas del II ciclo de la I.E.I. N° 180 de Viñas - Acobambilla – Huancavelica, 2023
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Escuela de Educación Superior Pedagógica Pública "José Salvador Cavero Ovalle"
La investigación realizada tuvo el objetivo de determinar la influencia de la reciprocidad andina como estrategia en el desarrollo de la convivencia intercultural de los niños y niñas del II ciclo de la I.E.I. N° 180 de Viñas – Huancavelica, el tipo del estudio es aplicada, de nivel explicativo, el diseño fue preexperimental, la población y muestra la conformaron 10 niños; se utilizó la técnica de la observación y el instrumento ficha de observación, se usó la prueba de Wilcoxon para los hallazgos de los resultados finales. Se encontró que, en el pretest el 70% de los niños se encontraban en la escala proceso en el desarrollado del respeto a la identidad, en el postest el 100% pasaron a la escala de logro; en el pretest se encontró que el 100% de los niños se encontraban en la escala en inicio en el desarrollo de la justicia intercultural, en el postest el 60% pasaron a la escala logro; en el pretest el 60% se encontraban en inicio en el diálogo intercultural, en el postest el 100% pasaron a la escala logro. En conclusión general, la reciprocidad andina como estrategia influyó en la convivencia intercultural con un p valor de 0.005.
The research carried out had the objective of determining the influence of Andean reciprocity as a strategy in the development of intercultural coexistence of boys and girls of the II cycle of the I.E.I. No. 180 of Viñas – Huancavelica, the type of study is applied, explanatory level, the design was pre-experimental, the population and sample consisted of 10 children; The observation technique and the observation sheet instrument were used, the Wilcoxon test was used for the findings of the final results. It was found that, in the pretest, 70% of the children were in the process scale in the development of respect for identity, in the posttest 100% moved to the achievement scale; In the pretest it was found that 100% of the children were in the initial scale in the development of intercultural justice, in the posttest 60% moved to the achievement scale; In the pretest, 60% were initially in intercultural dialogue, in the posttest, 100% moved to the achievement scale. In general conclusion, Andean reciprocity as a strategy influenced intercultural coexistence with a p value of 0.005.
Kay llamkaypaqa ima ruwayninqa karqa allin qawaychay imayna ayni chaninyachin allin kawsayta, warma wawakunapi,iskay huñupi kaqkuna, 180 sutiyuq yachay wasipi ,viñas llaqta -huancavelica. Kay qatipayqa ruway punim, hamutaspa willakuy, siqiyninñataq “preexperimental” nisqan. Qalay warmakuna kay llamkaypi tupunapaq kaqkuna, hinallataq aslla wakin kaqkuna karqaku chunka yachariqkuna. Kay llamkaytaqa qatiparqaniku ñawiwan allinta qawaspa, hinallataq qaway rapiwan. Tukupayninkuna imayna qispichisqan qawanapaq karqa “prueba de Wilcoxon” nisqan. Ñawpaqta, pretest nisqampi, 70 % warmakunan tarikurqa “escala proceso” nisqampi, llaqtampi imayna riksichikuyninmanta, postest nisqanpinataq 100% pasarqurqaku “escala de logro” nisqanman.pretest nisqampi 100% warmakuna tarikurqaku “escala en inicio” nisqan sutiyuqpi kuskachay llapa llaqta imayna kawsasqanmanta, postest nisqanpiñataq 60% karmakuna pasarqurqaku “escala logro” nisqanman. Pretest nisqampi, 60% tarikurqaku “en inicio” sutichasqapi, imayna llaqtakunapa yachasqan rimayninkunamanta, postest nisqanmanñataq pasarqaku 100% warmakuna “escala logro” nisqanman. Tukupanapaq nichwan, ayniqa chaninyachin allin kawsayta “p valor de 0.005” kaqwan.
The research carried out had the objective of determining the influence of Andean reciprocity as a strategy in the development of intercultural coexistence of boys and girls of the II cycle of the I.E.I. No. 180 of Viñas – Huancavelica, the type of study is applied, explanatory level, the design was pre-experimental, the population and sample consisted of 10 children; The observation technique and the observation sheet instrument were used, the Wilcoxon test was used for the findings of the final results. It was found that, in the pretest, 70% of the children were in the process scale in the development of respect for identity, in the posttest 100% moved to the achievement scale; In the pretest it was found that 100% of the children were in the initial scale in the development of intercultural justice, in the posttest 60% moved to the achievement scale; In the pretest, 60% were initially in intercultural dialogue, in the posttest, 100% moved to the achievement scale. In general conclusion, Andean reciprocity as a strategy influenced intercultural coexistence with a p value of 0.005.
Kay llamkaypaqa ima ruwayninqa karqa allin qawaychay imayna ayni chaninyachin allin kawsayta, warma wawakunapi,iskay huñupi kaqkuna, 180 sutiyuq yachay wasipi ,viñas llaqta -huancavelica. Kay qatipayqa ruway punim, hamutaspa willakuy, siqiyninñataq “preexperimental” nisqan. Qalay warmakuna kay llamkaypi tupunapaq kaqkuna, hinallataq aslla wakin kaqkuna karqaku chunka yachariqkuna. Kay llamkaytaqa qatiparqaniku ñawiwan allinta qawaspa, hinallataq qaway rapiwan. Tukupayninkuna imayna qispichisqan qawanapaq karqa “prueba de Wilcoxon” nisqan. Ñawpaqta, pretest nisqampi, 70 % warmakunan tarikurqa “escala proceso” nisqampi, llaqtampi imayna riksichikuyninmanta, postest nisqanpinataq 100% pasarqurqaku “escala de logro” nisqanman.pretest nisqampi 100% warmakuna tarikurqaku “escala en inicio” nisqan sutiyuqpi kuskachay llapa llaqta imayna kawsasqanmanta, postest nisqanpiñataq 60% karmakuna pasarqurqaku “escala logro” nisqanman. Pretest nisqampi, 60% tarikurqaku “en inicio” sutichasqapi, imayna llaqtakunapa yachasqan rimayninkunamanta, postest nisqanmanñataq pasarqaku 100% warmakuna “escala logro” nisqanman. Tukupanapaq nichwan, ayniqa chaninyachin allin kawsayta “p valor de 0.005” kaqwan.
Palabras clave
Reciprocidad andina, Convivencia intercultural, Respeto, Justicia, Diálogo, Andean reciprocity, Intercultural coexistence, Respect, Justice, Dialogue, Ayni, Allin kawsay, Yupaychay, Kuskachay, Rimanakuy