Estrategias socioculturales para mejorar la expresión oral en el área de comunicación con los estudiantes de 5° grado de primaria de la Institución Educativa N° 38606/Mx-P “Mártires de la Educación 1969” de Aycas del distrito de Luricocha, Huanta- Ayacucho
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Escuela de Educación Superior Pedagógica Pública "José Salvador Cavero Ovalle"
El presente trabajo de investigación acción pedagógica se llevó acabo en la Institución Educativa N° 38606/Mx-P “Mártires de la Educación 1969” de Aycas, Luricocha-Huanta. Como producto de una reflexión profunda de mi práctica pedagógica, a partir de la siguiente pregunta. ¿Qué estoy haciendo y que debo hacer para mejorar la expresión oral en el área de comunicación? Cuyo trabajo se realizó con el objetivo de fortalecer mi práctica pedagógica en el manejo de estrategias para el desarrollo de las capacidades en la expresión oral, donde se diseñó una propuesta pedagógica alternativa que consiste en la aplicación de estrategias para mejorar la expresión oral. Con la finalidad de obtener la mejora y el logro de aprendizaje en los estudiantes que se va centrar en la metodología de la investigación que es de carácter cualitativo, que se enfoca en la perspectiva de crítico reflexivo y constructivista que consta de tres fases. La deconstrucción que es la fase que permitió desarrollar la reflexión crítica sobre mi práctica pedagógica evidenciando mis aciertos también mis defectos, identificando las teorías implícitas que está influenciado por teorías conductistas en su mayoría y la carencia y poco reflejo del enfoque constructivista. Asimismo, en la fase de la reconstrucción se investigó diferentes fuentes bibliográficas sobre la expresión oral con el enfoque comunicativo textual. Finalizando con la evaluación de la efectividad de mi practica pedagógica mediante la metodología de la triangulación. Los actores de cambio fueron: El docente investigador, los estudiantes y el yachaq de la comunidad. Por otro lado, las técnicas e instrumentos que se ha utilizado en el proceso de recolección de datos son: La observación con el instrumento del diario del campo y lista de cotejo. También la técnica de la entrevista con su instrumento respectivo. Que posteriormente los datos se sometieron al análisis de determinación e interpretación profunda mediante la reducción de datos, cuyos resultados se consolidó en una matriz de triangulación.
This pedagogical action research work was carried out at the Educational Institution No. 38606/Mx-P “Mártires de la Educación 1969” of Aycas, LuricochaHuanta. As a product of a deep reflection on my pedagogical practice, based on the following question. What am I doing and what should I do to improve oral expression in the area of communication? Whose work was carried out with the objective of strengthening my pedagogical practice in the management of strategies for the development of skills in oral expression, where an alternative pedagogical proposal was designed that consists of the application of strategies to improve oral expression. In order to obtain improvement and learning achievement in students, it will focus on the research methodology that is qualitative in nature, which focuses on the critical reflective and constructivist perspective that consists of three phases. Deconstruction, which is the phase that allowed me to develop critical reflection on my pedagogical practice, evidencing my successes as well as my defects, identifying the implicit theories that are mostly influenced by behaviorist theories and the lack and little reflection of the constructivist approach. Likewise, in the reconstruction phase, different bibliographic sources on oral expression were investigated with the textual communicative approach. Finishing with the evaluation of the effectiveness of my pedagogical practice through the triangulation methodology. The actors of change were: The teacher-researcher, the students and the yachaq of the community. On the other hand, the techniques and instruments that have been used in the data collection process are: Observation with the instrument of the field diary and checklist. Also the interview technique with its respective instrument. The data were subsequently subjected to deep determination and interpretation analysis through data reduction, the results of which were consolidated in a triangulation matrix.
Kay hatun llamkay investigación acción sutiyuq ruraytam qallarirqani kay yachay wasi 38606/Mix-P “Mártires de la education 1969” de Aycas, Luricocha-Huanta-llaqtapi 2019 watapi kay llamkayta rurarqani kay tapukuywan ¿Imaynatataq pichqa ñiqipi yachapakuq warmakunata yachachiyman chuyay chuyay rimayta tuqyachinankupaq? Kay tapukuyta qispichinaypaqmi musuq yachaykunata maskayta qallariyqani chayman hinam ñawpaqman purinaypaq kimsa richkaq ñankunata qatiparqani sumaqta tinkuchinaypaq, kay “llapa musuq yachayta maskasun chuyanchaspa riqsichinanchiqpaq” kamachikuyninman hina. Ñawpaqtaq qallarirqani llapan llamasqaykunata yuyaymanaywan qawarispay, chayman hina musuqmanta qatarichispa imaynam qispisqanta qawarqani, hinallataq tupunakunata akllaspa tupurqani, chaynallataq kay llamkayqa tarikun llapa yachaykunapa ukun maskasqapin chuyanchasqa kayqa kachkan llapa ima yachaykunataqa allinta qawarispan rurana kayman hinam kay lliwninchikpa llapa rimayninchikkuna nisqanchikunawan, kay ñankunatan qatiparqani sumaqta yuyaymanaspay kay kinsa tupuy llankaykunawan llapa yachaykunata maskarqani chuyanchanaypaq, qispichispañataq musuq sumaq yachaykunaman chayarqani, ñankunata qatipaspaymi yachaykunata allinta umanchaspa, sumaqta qamutaykuspa, tupuspataq utqayman tikrachirqani chaynallataq allinta qawaykuspa kimsa kaqpi tupachirqani chiqap kaq allin llamkayniyta, chaypaqmi pukllaykunawan qallu kipukunawan, tusuywan hinaspa chaski willaywan chaynallataq takikunawan, llamkarqani warmakunapa sumaq rimaynin qispichinapaq, hinaspataq reconstruccion nisqanchik llamkaypiñataq musuq maytukunata maskaspa ñawincharqani llamkayniy allin qispichinaypaq, chaymanhina tupuykunata rurarqani imayna llamkaynin puririsqan yachanaypaq, hinaspataq tupukuna rurasqaywan tupurqani kay musuq llamkaynin chaninchasqa kanampaq.
This pedagogical action research work was carried out at the Educational Institution No. 38606/Mx-P “Mártires de la Educación 1969” of Aycas, LuricochaHuanta. As a product of a deep reflection on my pedagogical practice, based on the following question. What am I doing and what should I do to improve oral expression in the area of communication? Whose work was carried out with the objective of strengthening my pedagogical practice in the management of strategies for the development of skills in oral expression, where an alternative pedagogical proposal was designed that consists of the application of strategies to improve oral expression. In order to obtain improvement and learning achievement in students, it will focus on the research methodology that is qualitative in nature, which focuses on the critical reflective and constructivist perspective that consists of three phases. Deconstruction, which is the phase that allowed me to develop critical reflection on my pedagogical practice, evidencing my successes as well as my defects, identifying the implicit theories that are mostly influenced by behaviorist theories and the lack and little reflection of the constructivist approach. Likewise, in the reconstruction phase, different bibliographic sources on oral expression were investigated with the textual communicative approach. Finishing with the evaluation of the effectiveness of my pedagogical practice through the triangulation methodology. The actors of change were: The teacher-researcher, the students and the yachaq of the community. On the other hand, the techniques and instruments that have been used in the data collection process are: Observation with the instrument of the field diary and checklist. Also the interview technique with its respective instrument. The data were subsequently subjected to deep determination and interpretation analysis through data reduction, the results of which were consolidated in a triangulation matrix.
Kay hatun llamkay investigación acción sutiyuq ruraytam qallarirqani kay yachay wasi 38606/Mix-P “Mártires de la education 1969” de Aycas, Luricocha-Huanta-llaqtapi 2019 watapi kay llamkayta rurarqani kay tapukuywan ¿Imaynatataq pichqa ñiqipi yachapakuq warmakunata yachachiyman chuyay chuyay rimayta tuqyachinankupaq? Kay tapukuyta qispichinaypaqmi musuq yachaykunata maskayta qallariyqani chayman hinam ñawpaqman purinaypaq kimsa richkaq ñankunata qatiparqani sumaqta tinkuchinaypaq, kay “llapa musuq yachayta maskasun chuyanchaspa riqsichinanchiqpaq” kamachikuyninman hina. Ñawpaqtaq qallarirqani llapan llamasqaykunata yuyaymanaywan qawarispay, chayman hina musuqmanta qatarichispa imaynam qispisqanta qawarqani, hinallataq tupunakunata akllaspa tupurqani, chaynallataq kay llamkayqa tarikun llapa yachaykunapa ukun maskasqapin chuyanchasqa kayqa kachkan llapa ima yachaykunataqa allinta qawarispan rurana kayman hinam kay lliwninchikpa llapa rimayninchikkuna nisqanchikunawan, kay ñankunatan qatiparqani sumaqta yuyaymanaspay kay kinsa tupuy llankaykunawan llapa yachaykunata maskarqani chuyanchanaypaq, qispichispañataq musuq sumaq yachaykunaman chayarqani, ñankunata qatipaspaymi yachaykunata allinta umanchaspa, sumaqta qamutaykuspa, tupuspataq utqayman tikrachirqani chaynallataq allinta qawaykuspa kimsa kaqpi tupachirqani chiqap kaq allin llamkayniyta, chaypaqmi pukllaykunawan qallu kipukunawan, tusuywan hinaspa chaski willaywan chaynallataq takikunawan, llamkarqani warmakunapa sumaq rimaynin qispichinapaq, hinaspataq reconstruccion nisqanchik llamkaypiñataq musuq maytukunata maskaspa ñawincharqani llamkayniy allin qispichinaypaq, chaymanhina tupuykunata rurarqani imayna llamkaynin puririsqan yachanaypaq, hinaspataq tupukuna rurasqaywan tupurqani kay musuq llamkaynin chaninchasqa kanampaq.
Palabras clave
Estrategias, Socioculturales, Expresión oral, Strategies, Sociocultural, Oral expression, Rimay tuqyachiy, Tukuy ima ruranakuna, Timanapaq maskana