Influencia de juegos tradicionales en el desarrollo de valores morales en niños y niñas de 3 años en la institución Educativa Inicial N°429- 17/Mx-p de Huancayocc- huanta, 2023
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Escuela de Educación Superior Pedagógica Pública "José Salvador Cavero Ovalle"
Título: Influencia de juegos tradicionales en el desarrollo de valores morales en niños y niñas de 3 años en la institución educativa inicial n°429-17/Mx-p de HuancayoccHuanta, 2023 El estudio estuvo enfocado a abarcar el Problema: ¿Cómo influyen los juegos tradicionales en los valores morales en niños y niñas de 03 años en la Institución Educativa Inicial N°429-17/Mx-P de Huancayocc - Huanta, 2023? Tuvo como Objetivo: Determinar la influencia de los juegos tradicionales en el desarrollo de los valores morales en niños y niñas de 03 años en la Institución Educativa Inicial N°429-17/Mx-P de Huancayocc - Huanta, 2023. Así mismo diagnosticar el desarrollo de valores morales, seguidamente aplicar los juegos tradicionales con el objeto de promover el desarrollo de valores y evaluar los resultados en el desarrollo de valores morales. Métodos: El tipo de investigación es aplicada, con un nivel explicativo, se utilizó como método general el científico y como métodos específicos el experimental para organizar, deliberadamente de acuerdo con un plan previo con el fin de investigar las posibles relaciones causa – efecto; la población de estudio estuvo conformado por la totalidad de niños y niñas matriculados en la I. E Inicial N°429-17/Mx-P de Huancayocc - Huanta, la muestra es no probabilística, conformado por 15 niños y niñas de 3 años, la técnica utilizada fue la observación y como instrumento la lista de cotejo de los valores morales. Resultados: Los niveles de desarrollo de los valores morales al inicio de la investigación en los niños y niñas de 3 años son: 66,7% Si, 33,3% No y 10%. Luego de la aplicación de los juegos tradicionales los resultados son: 80, % Si, seguido del 20% No. Conclusiones: Por lo que se concluye la aplicación de los juegos tradicionales influyen significativamente en el desarrollo de los valores morales en niñas y niños de 03 años de la Institución Educativa Inicial Huancayocc - Huanta. Contrasto mediante la prueba no paramétrica de Wilcoxon con un nivel de significancia de 0.005 que es menor a 0.05.
Title: Influence of traditional games on the development of moral values in 3-yearold boys and girls at the initial educational institution n°429-17/Mx-p of HuancayoccHuanta, 2023 The study was focused on covering the Problem: How do traditional games influence the moral values of 3-year-old boys and girls in the Initial Educational Institution N°429- 17/Mx-P of Huancayocc - Huanta, 2023? Its objective was to: Determine the influence of traditional games on the development of moral values in boys and girls aged 3 years at the Initial Educational Institution N°429-17/Mx-P of Huancayocc-Huanta, 2023. Likewise, diagnose the development of moral values, then apply traditional games in order to promote the development of values and evaluate the results in the development of moral values. Methods: The type of research is applied, with an explanatory level, the scientific method was used as a general method and the experimental method was used as specific methods to organize, deliberately according to a previous plan in order to investigate the possible cause-effect relationships; The study population was made up of all boys and girls enrolled in the I. E Initial N°429-17/Mx-P of Huancayocc - Huanta, the sample is non-probabilistic, made up of 15 boys and girls of 3 years old, The technique used was observation and as an instrument the checklist of moral values. Results: The levels of development of moral values at the beginning of the research in 3-year-old boys and girls are: 66.7% Yes, 33.3% No and 10%. After the application of traditional games, the results are: 80% Yes, followed by 20% No. Conclusions: therefore, it is concluded that the application of traditional games significantly influences the development of moral values in girls and boys of 03 years of the Huancayocc - Huanta Initial Educational Institution. Contrast using the non-parametric Wilcoxon test with a significance level of 0.005, which is less than 0.05.
Kay yachayqa Sasachakuymanta qataypi karqan: ¿Imaynatataq ñawpaqmanta pacha pukllaykuna 3 watayuq qari wawakuna, warmi wawakuna valores morales nisqapi Institución Educativa Inicial N°429-17/Mx-P de Huancayocc - Huanta, 2023 nisqapi influyen? Paypa munayninqa karqan: Ñawpa pukllaykunapa influencia kimsa watayuq qari wawakunapi, warmi wawakunapi valores morales nisqakuna wiñananpaq, Institución Educativa Inicial N°429-17/Mx-P de Huancayocc-Huanta, 2023. Chaynallataqmi diagnosticanapaq valores morales nisqakuna wiñananpaq, chaymantataqmi tradicional pukllaykunata rurasqa karqa , chaywa valores nisqankuna wiñananpaq, hinaspata valores morales nisqa wiñayninpi imakuna ruwasqanmanta chayninchananpa. Métodos: Ima clase investigación nisqanta ruwasqa, nivel explicativo nisqawan, método científico nisqawa chaynañatak método general hina, método experimental nisqataqmi métodos específicos hina allinchasqa, huk plan ñawpaqman hina, chaynapi mascanapa ima causa-efecto nisqa kasqanmanta relaciones nisqakuna; Kay población de estudio nisqapiqa tukuy qari wawakuna warmi wawakuna matriculasqa kasqaku kay I. E Inicial N°429-17/Mx-P de Huancayocc - Huanta nisqapi, muestraqa mana probabilístico nisqa 15 qari wawakunamanta, warmi wawakuna kimsa watayuq , Chay técnica utilizasqa karqa qawasqa hinañataq instrumento hina lista de comprobación valores morales nisqamanta. Tariykuna: 3 watayuq qari wawakunapi, warmi warmakunapi ima, investigacion qallariypi valores morales nisqanpa wiñayninpa nivel nisqan kaymi: 66,7% Arí, 33,3% Mana, 10%. Ñawpamanta pacha pukllaykunata churaqa kay ruraykunami kan: 80% Arí, chaymanta 20% Mana Tukurgakuchu : chay rayku tukuchikun ñawpa puqllaykunata churan sinchitami influen valores morales wiñariypi warmi wawakunapi, qari wawakunapi 03 watayukkunapi Huancayocc - Huanta Qallariy Yachay Wasi. Contraste prueba Wilcoxon mana paramétrica kaqwan huk nivel de significancia nisqa karun 0,005 kaqwan, kayqa aswan pisi 0,05 kaqwan.
Title: Influence of traditional games on the development of moral values in 3-yearold boys and girls at the initial educational institution n°429-17/Mx-p of HuancayoccHuanta, 2023 The study was focused on covering the Problem: How do traditional games influence the moral values of 3-year-old boys and girls in the Initial Educational Institution N°429- 17/Mx-P of Huancayocc - Huanta, 2023? Its objective was to: Determine the influence of traditional games on the development of moral values in boys and girls aged 3 years at the Initial Educational Institution N°429-17/Mx-P of Huancayocc-Huanta, 2023. Likewise, diagnose the development of moral values, then apply traditional games in order to promote the development of values and evaluate the results in the development of moral values. Methods: The type of research is applied, with an explanatory level, the scientific method was used as a general method and the experimental method was used as specific methods to organize, deliberately according to a previous plan in order to investigate the possible cause-effect relationships; The study population was made up of all boys and girls enrolled in the I. E Initial N°429-17/Mx-P of Huancayocc - Huanta, the sample is non-probabilistic, made up of 15 boys and girls of 3 years old, The technique used was observation and as an instrument the checklist of moral values. Results: The levels of development of moral values at the beginning of the research in 3-year-old boys and girls are: 66.7% Yes, 33.3% No and 10%. After the application of traditional games, the results are: 80% Yes, followed by 20% No. Conclusions: therefore, it is concluded that the application of traditional games significantly influences the development of moral values in girls and boys of 03 years of the Huancayocc - Huanta Initial Educational Institution. Contrast using the non-parametric Wilcoxon test with a significance level of 0.005, which is less than 0.05.
Kay yachayqa Sasachakuymanta qataypi karqan: ¿Imaynatataq ñawpaqmanta pacha pukllaykuna 3 watayuq qari wawakuna, warmi wawakuna valores morales nisqapi Institución Educativa Inicial N°429-17/Mx-P de Huancayocc - Huanta, 2023 nisqapi influyen? Paypa munayninqa karqan: Ñawpa pukllaykunapa influencia kimsa watayuq qari wawakunapi, warmi wawakunapi valores morales nisqakuna wiñananpaq, Institución Educativa Inicial N°429-17/Mx-P de Huancayocc-Huanta, 2023. Chaynallataqmi diagnosticanapaq valores morales nisqakuna wiñananpaq, chaymantataqmi tradicional pukllaykunata rurasqa karqa , chaywa valores nisqankuna wiñananpaq, hinaspata valores morales nisqa wiñayninpi imakuna ruwasqanmanta chayninchananpa. Métodos: Ima clase investigación nisqanta ruwasqa, nivel explicativo nisqawan, método científico nisqawa chaynañatak método general hina, método experimental nisqataqmi métodos específicos hina allinchasqa, huk plan ñawpaqman hina, chaynapi mascanapa ima causa-efecto nisqa kasqanmanta relaciones nisqakuna; Kay población de estudio nisqapiqa tukuy qari wawakuna warmi wawakuna matriculasqa kasqaku kay I. E Inicial N°429-17/Mx-P de Huancayocc - Huanta nisqapi, muestraqa mana probabilístico nisqa 15 qari wawakunamanta, warmi wawakuna kimsa watayuq , Chay técnica utilizasqa karqa qawasqa hinañataq instrumento hina lista de comprobación valores morales nisqamanta. Tariykuna: 3 watayuq qari wawakunapi, warmi warmakunapi ima, investigacion qallariypi valores morales nisqanpa wiñayninpa nivel nisqan kaymi: 66,7% Arí, 33,3% Mana, 10%. Ñawpamanta pacha pukllaykunata churaqa kay ruraykunami kan: 80% Arí, chaymanta 20% Mana Tukurgakuchu : chay rayku tukuchikun ñawpa puqllaykunata churan sinchitami influen valores morales wiñariypi warmi wawakunapi, qari wawakunapi 03 watayukkunapi Huancayocc - Huanta Qallariy Yachay Wasi. Contraste prueba Wilcoxon mana paramétrica kaqwan huk nivel de significancia nisqa karun 0,005 kaqwan, kayqa aswan pisi 0,05 kaqwan.
Palabras clave
Juegos tradicionales, Valores morales, Traditional games, Moral values, Ñawpamanta pacha pukllaykuna